Isn't that how women work? We constantly compare ourselves to other women. Sometimes this can be an unhealthy way of living your life. But I believe it can also be motivation for exercise and for helping stay focused on our goals.
I am your coach, Gracie Updyke. I am 31 years old and have a 22 month old daughter, Daylin Grace. I am also 5 months pregnant and have decided to train for the ZOOMA Austin half marathon. As president of gracie’s gear, I travel around the country every 2 weeks to various races and events. Daylin has been travelling with me since she was just 10 days old and I have the most supportive husband on earth. I find the time to exercise even when I'm pregnant but lately it has been tough. I have been battling colds, travel, weather, you name it and I have used these excuses to be inconsistent in my training.
I train new runners all the time. One of my clients is a 69-year-old woman who has had 2 major heart surgeries, the most recent in May of 2008. She joined a run/walk group I was leading, finished the program, and then asked if I would train her to run. Today she kicked my rear!! In just 8 weeks she has made a complete body and fitness transformation. We completed intervals together and ran/walked over 4 miles. Her interval pace was between 8:30-9min miles...she’s just incredible.
I finished the workout with her and could not stop thinking about how amazing she is. Less than a year ago she could barely walk up the stairs but she never gave up! Look in the mirror and be proud of your training and accomplishments! There will be weeks in your training that are off or you are not as motivated, but think of this woman. Look at where she is today and the courage she has everyday to get out there and run.
I'm inspired by her and will never forget our run today!
This is the first in a series written by Coach Gracie Updyke. An avid marathoner and trained exercise physiologist, Coach Gracie has put her experience to work developing realistic training programs and inventive products that encourage women of all ages and sizes to become active and stay active, including ZOOMA’s 12-week training program. The founder and president of gracie’s gear, Gracie is a mother of one and is currently expecting her second child.
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